The War of the Man Babies Man Babies Trump and Kim

America has its first president that at present considers himself "bloodline royalty," the Sephardic family that took on the name "Drumpf" when it arrived in Germany in the 17th century, equally with so many others, to be welcomed past the Rothschilds.

Equally "King of Israel," Trump has chosen on Americans to follow QAnon and organize to round up and kill opposing party politicians, unfriendly journalist similar Khashoggi, academics, Jeff Bezos of Amazon and the other cannibals and satan worshipers now beingness compiled in lists by GOP/QAnon operatives in every voting precinct in America.

Behind this endeavour stands xxx meg Christian Zionists seeking the end times, the majority of whom are involved in QAnon, officially a terrorist organization and listed as such by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

This is going to be actually fun.

Leading it, co-ordinate to Robert Steele, are traitors from the West Point class of 1986, an organization VT has asserted is a "schoolhouse for warlocks."  If only nosotros were making this upward.

Steele's analysis of what he sees as traitors to Trump is quite first-class work.

We differ on Trump'south role.  VT people don't all concur on things, that's called "liberty of speech."  QAnon volition be getting rid of that soon enough, no reason to confuse people with facts.

My good friend Robert Steele may not dearest Trump merely he comes very shut.  For me, I fight every day against feelings that have me look on the Us as "bad guys with black hats" in a cowboy movie.  But now I give up.  I am willing to take QAnon and Trump and join his army, every bit others have, and begin plotting the murder of up to 140 one thousand thousand Americans now "proven" to be pedophile Satanists and cannibals.

I was involved in an investigation at the request of the White House some years ago in response to a bribery/smear endeavour against a GOP president.

I identified, confirmed since past many sources, White Firm and Pentagon complicty, in particular, in a large scale child trafficking ring among America's "elites," most of whom were tied to elements best described as "correct-wing…Zionist…Wall Street…Big Oil…Military-Industrial…"

Cited were a dozen or so facilities near Washington, actually used for what the GOP claimed Comet Pizza was, to house imprisoned sex slaves, children, who would be later eliminated.

The official FBI investigation, and we have this from direct sources, traced this operation to National Security Quango members (White House staff…at highest level), to the Usa Department of Energy, all the way to the top at that place, our nuclear weapons people, and to AIPAC and the ADL.

The censored version, with all the gritty details removed, was called the "AIPAC Spy Scandal."  No 1 tin can claim they don't know, fifty-fifty Google left function of it available:

Behind it, or what could be easily identified, was the State of israel lobby and secret societies which include almost all leaders of major Christian Evangelical sects.

Backside this was the assertion, one held amongst "bourgeois elites," that one thousand-d had abandoned flesh and that satan meliorate represented conservative ideals.

They hated "g-d" considering Jesus was a liberal and his teachings favored the weak

As we speak, QAnon is organizing armed teams to begin arrests.  Ane in Colorado was recently broken upwardly with a mother for some reason found unfit by social services facing life in prison.  Let us be articulate, this female parent may well have been totally correct nearly social services and government corruption, which crosses all political party lines depending on the community.

We don't know the fact and if we depend on the press we never will.

The real issue is whether Trump is criminally insane.  I establish myself upset over the murder of Soleimani, knowing the reasons listed in the totally Deep State/Trump/QAnon MSM were fake.  Soleimani is the man who defeated ISIS and, in doing so, placed the Deep Country, Trump and his Kosher Nostra handlers on their asses.  Soleimani knew the Deep State was later on him and accustomed his fate.

If you don't know why Soleimani is the most respected and loved man of our times, and he really is, learning will now make yous cry and if you are an American and sane, feel enormous shame.

OK, our result, we follow Steele and say Trump is sane.  One event, which Steele would have me bring up, is that nosotros are at present getting confirmations on Trump's own sexual bug, multiple confirmations of full details that were edited out of the famous Dossier, which adds an onlooker, a longtime gay partner, to Trump's circus of piss.

I have interviewed, personally, a witness supplied to me by the White House.

That is an authentic statement, which brings up about a thousand questions, doesn't information technology!

Here is what Trump is advocating, that Americans arms themselves (more than) and form groups.  Those groups, according to Trump/QAnon (and Trump is totally behind this) need to make their own lists of personal enemies forth with "liberals" equally pointed out by Israeli controlled media.

These people are, according to Trump, cannibals who kidnap, molest and and then consume babies

Trump and QAnon want u.s.a. to form vigilante posses, mayhap kill off local authorities, police, judges, prosecutors, and showtime the process of cleansing America of satanic influence.

Every bit one of too many Americans who have actually killed people, I don't really have qualms about it.  There is the issue of following mob rule, following perhaps the least mentally stable and capable of Americans in an try to eliminate all Americans with education and conscience.

We're going to take to recollect about that one a fleck.  In the interim, I say "listen to your president," and Steel reminds me over and over, that we must respect the president, even i who calls for lawless gangs to murder millions for reasons that may seem to some a bit "off."

QAnon Believer Teamed Up With Conspiracy Theorists to Plot Kidnapping, Law Say

From the Daily Beast

Daily Beast: Colorado female parent Cynthia Abcug became an unlikely star on the fringe right last yr thanks to a battle with her state's child-welfare section over custody of her son, which became a cause célèbre amid believers of the bizarre pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy theory.

Only a recently unsealed abort warrant alleges that Abcug had bigger plans, working with other armed QAnon believers to program a kidnapping.

Montana police arrested Abcug in Kalispell, Montana, on December. 30, on a felony conspiracy to commit kidnapping arrest warrant issued in Colorado. Abcug had allegedly teamed up with other QAnon believers to carry out the kidnapping, according to witness statements to law.

(Our sources say militia organizations in Montana, tied to the RNC and a former Trump official who had planned to assassinated then-President Obama, were direct involved.)

The alleged target of the purported kidnapping is redacted in court documents, but the individual is described as once having been in Abcug's "care." The 50-yr-old'due south son was taken from her past Colorado kid-welfare officials in the spring of 2019.

Police force in Parker, Colorado, first became enlightened of Abcug's alleged programme in late September, when her daughter told regime that she had been discussing a kidnapping "raid" with other QAnon believers. Abcug'south daughter told constabulary she was concerned that someone could be injure in the raid.

According to a heavily redacted police affidavit, Abcug'south daughter told police that her mom was a committed QAnon believer who had been discussing how "people from the Q-Anon group planned to kidnap" the unnamed person. Abcug had obtained a gun of her ain, according to her daughter, and talked near a person or group of people "dying" in a "raid" conducted past QAnon believers.

Police institute QAnon paraphernalia at Abcug's abode, including blueish awareness bracelets promoting a QAnon website and the proper name of a prominent QAnon Twitter poster. Abcug allegedly stressed "her conventionalities that people would be injured during the raid," maxim that they were "evil Satan worshipers" and "pedophiles," according to the affidavit.

(Editor'south note:  Not wanting to put gasoline on the fire, every bit information technology were, but our own investigations have revealed a pattern of pedophilia and child corruption among those working for "child welfare" organizations.  In fact, we can cite cases where parents take been imprisoned, ane for xiv years, for sexually molesting their own children when it was actually done by child welfare employees.

QAnon is correct about this every bit we believe information technology is endemic and widespread.)

Abcug'southward daughter said her mom typically just left the business firm to see with fellow QAnon supporters.

"[Abcug's daughter] explained that Abcug got involved with Q-Anon, and that Abcug has repeatedly talked well-nigh a raid (to her and others), wherein people from the Q-Anon group planned to kidnap [name redacted]," the arrest warrant affidavit reads. "She expressed concern that people were going to be injured, and that it was going to occur 'before long.'"

QAnon, an elaborate conspiracy theory that posits that Donald Trump is at war with Satanic pedophile-cannibals in the Democratic Party, began in late 2017 with anonymous message board posts made past a person or a group of people known only as "Q." Since and then, it's won adherents among Trump supporters, including some GOP congressional candidates. The president and his re-ballot campaign accept repeatedly flirted with QAnon promoters, even though the FBI considers QAnon to be a potential domestic terror threat.

Other QAnon believers accept been charged with crimes, including church building vandalism and an attempt to shut down a bridge with an improvised armored truck.

Abcug's feud with state officials over custody of her son turned her into a star among QAnon believers and other fringe activists after she broadcast her allegations about supposed abuses committed by the state's child-welfare organisation on right-wing websites like InfoWars, Big League Politics, and PJ Media.

A segment of QAnon believers has go convinced, is an outgrowth of the Pizzagate conspiracy theory, that child-protective services double as a kind of hunting ground for the mythical pedophiles they're convinced run the anti-Trump "deep state."

"The Child Protective Services was a front line for funneling in the trafficking," Abcug said in a June appearance on a QAnon-affiliated YouTube channel. "I had not been open up to that nonetheless."

The custody case brought Abcug into contact with more than QAnon believers, including a human being identified in the law affidavit equally "Ryan," and "armed baby-sit" who was staying with her. Abcug reportedly described her associate as a "sniper."

Abcug stopped responding to constabulary during their investigation terminal September and somewhen left Colorado, merely resurfacing in Montana in late December. Abcug was arrested after a tip from the FBI, according to a local news report.


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